Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Dubstep. When people started listening to dubstep I just couldn't make out why it was so cool. I mean, it is just a bunch of different sounds with some heavy bass drops. To add onto the mess of dubstep, people tried beat-boxing to it? Seriously guys? You sounded like a bunch of robots short-circuiting. It has to be one of the most annoying things ever. Just quit now and go back to old school beat-boxing, Will Smith in Men in Black 2 style.

But hey, I'm not all hater. There are some pretty dirty dubsteps out there. My favorite has got to be Bangarang by Skrillex. That song touches my head-knodding nerves everytime. To add onto that, some songs have a rapper in them and then have a nice little skit of dubstep in them, that is always refreshing and always gets me into the flow of the song. It is like I am on a nice fluffy cloud and all of a sudden there is a massive thunder-storm all around me. Good analogy? I'm thinking yes.


  1. Robots short-circuiting is possibly the best discription I have ever heard for dubstep! Hilarious blog Cree.

  2. I always wondered the same thing too. Like what is so interesting about dubstep? Now it has grown on me, and everytime i listen to it cheers me up.

  3. I'm not a big fan of it, but if it's incorporated into something, as you mentioned, I think it could be okay.
